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The Florida State Thespian Festival is a highlight of each year and represents the pinnacle of theatre competition for our students. Here, club members get to perform in front of judges to receive a rating of Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent, or Superior, and take, part in workshops that further your skills in any desired area (acting, dance, vocals, technical. etc.) and mingle with troupes all across Florida. In order to attend, students must participate in one of the 2 aforementioned Districts Events prior to the year. Participating in at least one of those. The State Festival is a 4-night trip to Tampa that must be covered financially by the family of the students attending. This trip is completely OPTIONAL and not a mandatory part of Drama Club. Freshmen will be individually considered for attendance.

The Kravis Center Dream Awards is an awards program where local theatre academics and professionals attend and adjudicate enrolled shows. The 4 nominated schools get to perform at the Krauts, Center Dream Awards GAla Rerformance held at the end of the school year tiedtune. The winners of Best Male Actor and Best Female Actress then get to go compete in the Jimmy Awards in New York against students all across the nation. In the spring of 2022, Boca High won the Dream Awards with the hit musical "The Drowsy Chaperone This is one of the most important websites you'll come across being involved in 25

Informat ion all competition (One Acts, IE's and States) It's a good idea to keep this one bookmarked. Click for specific event information and guidelines.

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